In part-1 , we implemented mpJwt and secured a resource with help of the claim scope present in the JWT token received in the request. In this post, we will make use of other specifications, like mpHealth, mpOpenAPI, and mpMetrics, you can either checkout the source code from branch post-1 and code along or can refer to the final code in branch post-2. mpHealth The specification of the used version can be found here , this feature provides a way to check the overall health of an application. The first check is the Liveness check which conforms if the application is running or not and the second check Readiness confirms if the application is ready to serve all requests. The difference here is the second check should provide the confirmation only if all dependencies are available and the application in a state to perform the expected functions. It is also possible to combine both checks into one. AS per the documentation, the Eclipse MicroProfile Health Check specification defines a sing...